Let me tell you about mine..
To start - my name is Kyndal Hayes Stockdale, and before I became a traveling photographer, I was a design student in Tennessee. Graphic design was my focus and I truly loved it at the time. While in school, I decided to take a few extra art classes just for fun. One of those was pottery and well the other was photography. I knew from the first day that I was told about the photography class that I HAD TO TAKE IT!
Photography had always been something I loved to dabble in, but I honestly had no real knowledge in it. Well long story short, I fell in love. Funny enough, I actually fell in love with pottery, photography, and someone who I had always considered to be a good friend. I didn't know it at the time, but that "friend" ended up being my forever person, Joseph "Jagger" Stockdale! Isn't it funny how God works..
As my time in college came to an end, I was blessed with the opportunity to work as a graphic designer in a full time corporate setting. Man was that a change.. As I worked there for many years, I felt my creativity slowly being stripped away due to the lack of creative freedom that was given. Then hit the pandemic.. What a weird time that was. 2020 the year that EVERYTHING changed!

Luckily I was able to keep my job while working from home, but it was a crazy year to say the least. Jagger and I were in the middle of planning our DESTINATION wedding, so you can just imagine the chaos. Like even a hurricane hit where we were planned to be married ONE month before the date. All that being said, we got married on October 17th, 2020 in Pensacola, Florida. And what an incredible day it ended up being! ♡ (Scroll down to check out some photos from our special day!)
Over the next year, I had realized that working from home gave me a little more free time than I had when commuting. So can you guess what I starting dabbling in again.. You guessed it, PHOTOGRAPHY!! This became my outlet. My way to express myself. It was something that was mine, if that even makes any sense. The only problem is that I kept it all to myself. I didn't put any of my images out to the world. At the time, this was something just for me to have fun with.
But in the spring of 2022, I finally decided to expand this love to the world. God was laying heavy on my heart to stop being scared of what others would think and to just trust him. This is harder than you think. Sadly, this was actually something I fought against for months. I ended up getting let go from my corporate job due to covid related circumstances, and what seemed like the end of the world - was actually the beginning of something beautiful!!
After many hours of praying and a rollercoaster of emotions, I launched my photography business. Since then I have never looked back!! What I thought would take away from my enjoyment of the craft did the opposite. It's what I was missing. Being able to create and capture pure, authentic emotions from all different types of people produces a whole new sense of gratification that I could have never imagined. It truly takes my breath away every single time!